今日のあなたの“ラッキーソング”は? オリコン英語星占い(1月1日〜31日)



weekly lucky song>>WANT!

■1.1 (Mon)
When seeing your relatives after so long, catch up on each other’s lives. Visit a nearby shrine for the New Year.

■1.2 (Tue)
A New Year’s holiday to spend at home. Enjoy the taste of home cooking and make a wish for the year.

■1.3 (Wed)
You feel like spending a relaxing time at home. Enjoy a slow new year holiday with your family.

■1.4 (Thu)
Is it education or physical training that you need to improve yourself?  Set a goal.
「自分磨きに必要なのは教養?もしくはトレーニング? 目標を定めよう」


weekly lucky song>>CRISIS
Acid Black Cherry(2011/12/21)

■1.5 (Fri)
When you approach the person you like, show your unexpected side by surprising them.

■1.6 (Sat)
It’s a day that you want to make time to maintain yourself. Fix the part you have a concern about.

■1.7 (Sun)
Today, good thoughts and various ideas will come to you.

■1.8 (Mon)
You will be in a situation where you pay mind to others. Be cool enough to tactfully deal with it.

■1.9 (Tue)
Encouraging events such as receiving a “Thank you!” will await you today.

■1.10 (Wed)
It’s the day that you can be confident about what only you can do. Don’t hold back!

■1.11 (Thu)
You’ll be attentive to other people’s feelings, which may make it hard for you to share your honest feelings.


weekly lucky song>>M
浜崎あゆみ/AYUMI HAMASAKI(2000/12/13)

■1.12 (Fri)
An event where you gain somebody’s trust may happen. That’s a reward for your hard work.

■1.13 (Sat)
You will make a connection with some academic place. Nurture your heart by visiting a museum or library.

■1.14 (Sun)
Either an actual journey or spiritual journey is fine. They are the adventures that help you grow big.

■1.15 (Mon)
Deal with a sudden event without panicking. Stay calm and be open-minded today.

■1.16 (Tue)
You will be valued and respected by people around you. Appreciate their favor and work harder.

■1.17 (Wed)
It's a good day to start new projects. Picture the goal you want to aim for.

■1.18 (Thu)
A fresh sensitivity may be brought to your future friendship.


weekly lucky song>>Candy feat.Mr.Blistah
倖田來未/KUMI KODA(2006/1/18)

■1.19 (Fri)
Participate in gatherings actively as you have greater luck in romance.

■1.20 (Sat)
A visitor’s inspiring story about dreams or ideals will get you going.

■1.21 (Sun)
The stress and fatigue from work seem to have piled up. Take a breather at hot springs.

■1.22 (Mon)
Donate your money. It will magically give you a positive feeling.

■1.23 (Tue)
It’s the day that you are full of motivation. You can do a better job than yesterday.

■1.24 (Wed)
If you embrace your identity, you will succeed in expressing your originality.

■1.25 (Thu)
A chance for achieving your quest will arrive.


weekly lucky song>>Dance My Generation

■1.26 (Fri)
Put on pajamas made of good material so that you can sleep in a luxurious mood.

■1.27 (Sat)
It’s the time that you can grow significantly as a person. Challenge yourself in an unexperienced field.

■1.28 (Sun)
You will encounter inspirational words. These words would form the core of yourself.

■1.29 (Mon)
Maintain a calm attitude if you hear surprising things.

■1.30 (Tue)
If you feel low, have dinner at home with your family and you’ll recover your energy.

■1.31 (Wed)
It’s a turning point for your love or passion. Surprising events may await you.

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