2018年04月06日 07時50分

今日のあなたの“ラッキーソング”は? オリコン英語星占い(2018年4月6日)

12星座の“今日の運勢”とラッキーソングをご紹介! あなたの星座は何位? [拡大する]

12星座の“今日の運勢”とラッキーソングをご紹介! あなたの星座は何位?

 ハッピーになれる12星座毎日占い。開運メッセージ、キーワード、アイテム、アクションなど星座ごとのアドバイス付き。過去20年のオリコン シングルランキング ベスト3の中から毎週の12星座別ラッキーソングも教えてくれる、音楽好きにはたまらないハッピーフォーチュンをご紹介します。

12th Capricorn × 12位 やぎ座

You will feel refreshed if you adjust your body balance. Listen to your body when you don’t feel good.

Lucky song>>Wonderful Life

11th Pisces × 11位 うお座

You may be disappointed in not achieving any results. Evaluate the process, not the results and give it another try.

Lucky song>>Break the Chain

10th Virgo × 10位 おとめ座

You seem to feel pressure but things are not moving. Why don’t you take a little break while gazing at the greenery outside?

Lucky song>>my first love
上原多香子/TAKAKO UEHARA(1999/3/25)

9th Scorpio × 9位 さそり座

You may be swayed by different opinions from yours. It’s wiser to think flexibly than to react against them.

Lucky song>>Lost the way

8th Gemini × 8位 ふたご座

Take it easy. You may miss important things if you rush. Stop to look where you are.

Lucky song>>STORM
LUNA SEA(1998/4/15)

7th Aquarius × 7位 みずがめ座

When you are unable to be nice to others, enrich your own time. Reading a book with peace of mind would be nice.

Lucky song>>THE MONSTER 〜Someday〜

6th Libra × 6位 てんびん座

Dress yourself in your favorite fashion and go to the place you are interested in. It can be your energy source.

Lucky song>>DO THE MOTION

5th Aries × 5位 おひつじ座

Something urgent might come up. If you deal with it calmly, it won’t be as difficult as you would think.

Lucky song>>Believe Your Smile/OPEN THE GATE
V6/20th Century(1999/3/31)

4th Cancer × 4位 かに座

You will be interested in a cultural school. Join a trial lesson or viewing and you may have an interesting encounter.

Lucky song>>SEVEN
中島美嘉/MIKA NAKASHIMA(2004/4/7)

3rd Taurus × 3位 おうし座

You may suddenly get closer to someone in your mind. If you do some research beforehand on common topics, you can leave a good impression.

Lucky song>>Moments
浜崎あゆみ/AYUMI HAMASAKI(2004/3/31)

2nd Sagittarius × 2位 いて座

Your opinion is well accepted today. You should stick to your position as long as it’s not for your ego but for everyone’s sake.

Lucky song>>PUZZLE/Revive
倉木麻衣/MAI KURAKI(2009/4/1)

1st Leo × 1位 しし座

Get out of the box. Let your creative mind decide what to do and your attractiveness will be doubled.

Lucky song>>BE THERE

占い監修者/御瀧政子 (みたきまさこ)
心理研究家。スピリチュアル クリエーター。作家。著書は70冊以上。海外40数カ国へ留学または長期滞在や旅をした経験を生かし、講演での活動やテレビ・ラジオや雑誌、ウェブコンテンツに多数のレギュラーを持つ。




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