今日のあなたの“ラッキーソング”は? オリコン英語星占い(11月1日〜30日)


weekly lucky song>>Reality/Dancin'in Hip-Hop
鈴木あみ/AMI SUZUKI(2000/9/27)

■11.1 (Wed)
A fortunate encounter awaits you. Have the courage to approach the person you have in mind.

■11.2 (Thu)
Looking afar may not give you an answer, yet it is a good reminder of your current self.


weekly lucky song>>Life is SHOW TIME
鬼龍院翔 from ゴールデンボンバー/SHOU KIRYU-IN FROM GOLDENBOMBER(2012/10/24)

■11.3 (Fri)
Think of your future with countless opportunities and find one that you can really enjoy.

■11.4 (Sat)
You will feel achievement in your work. It’s a result of your attitude of enjoyment of learning.

■11.5 (Sun)
The autumn outing season has come. Today is the best day to leave your office and enjoy a leisurely activity.

■11.6 (Mon)
Join your senior colleague for lunch. He/she might share some good information with you.

■11.7 (Tue)
What you’ve been planning seems to go well. Appreciate your friends who have kindly helped you.

■11.8 (Wed)
You tend to be running out of energy. Keep your own pace.

■11.9 (Thu)
The weariness from your hard work tends to appear on the outside. Relax yourself with the aroma of lavender.


weekly lucky song>>CHANGE THE WORLD

■11.10 (Fri)
You will have successful communication. Transmit the information you want to share today.

■11.11 (Sat)
Today your mood tends to be unstable. If you organize your belongings, your thoughts will get organized too.

■11.12 (Sun)
Go out for some spicy food. Mexican food will be a great energizer.

■11.13 (Mon)
An event that makes you feel love from your family may happen. You will know what selfless love is like.

■11.14 (Tue)
Today, you cannot write a great message to your lover. Even a short phrase is fine.

■11.15 (Wed)
If you haven’t updated your blog, post the places you recently visited.

■11.16 (Thu)
If you go for a walk, you may stumble across a thing that nurses your soul.


weekly lucky song>>Ashes.EP

■11.17 (Fri)
Rearrange your room. Unnecessary things should all be thrown away.

■11.18 (Sat)
Declutter your room to bring more luck. Especially focus on paper and clothing.

■11.19 (Sun)
Today, you feel so focused as to work silently even on your hobby.

■11.20 (Mon)
Go to a jewelry shop. Start thinking about a reward for yourself.

■11.21 (Tue)
It’s time to face the love that you have nurtured for a long time. Everything in the universe needs to be in love.

■11.22 (Wed)
Go and pick up a new essential oil with a highly relaxing effect.

■11.23 (Thu)
If you have lingering tiredness, go straight home and get to bed earlier.


weekly lucky song>>Love is Here
Janne Da Arc (2004/11/17)

■11.24 (Fri)
Keep your desk clean and organized. Arrange necessary things within close reach.

■11.25 (Sat)
Consult someone to decide today’s plan. You’d better not decide it by yourself.

■11.26 (Sun)
Today, you tend to be emotional about your partner. Keep a little distance from each other.

■11.27 (Mon)
Take the time to patiently face the person, then you will become precious for each other.

■11.28 (Tue)
Review the old plan and try to expand it.

■11.29 (Wed)
It’s a good day to make a plan for an overseas trip. Start from gathering information on the internet.

■11.30 (Thu)
Start learning a foreign language. New languages will open a new window in the world.

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