今日のあなたの“ラッキーソング”は? オリコン英語星占い(11月1日〜30日)


weekly lucky song>>Sa Yo Na Ra

■11.1 (Wed)
Embrace your childlike heart and curiosity. Otherwise you will lose half of the pleasures of life.

■11.2 (Thu)
Today, spontaneous action will bring a lot of fun. Go out without a plan.


weekly lucky song>>You Go Your Way

■11.3 (Fri)
Appreciate the connection with others that helps you to further grow.

■11.4 (Sat)
It’s a day that a place you can feel safe is changing.

■11.5 (Sun)
Spending time with your family will bring you luck. Take them somewhere you can enjoy together.

■11.6 (Mon)
You are filled with warm love. Dress up a little bit when you go out.

■11.7 (Tue)
Try something you’d got bored of before. You will find it extremely fun today.

■11.8 (Wed)
Don’t be bound by your duty. Do what you want, not what you have to.

■11.9 (Thu)
Don’t corner yourself too much. Make time to relax.


weekly lucky song>>POP STAR
平井堅/KEN HIRAI (2005/10/26)

■11.10 (Fri)
You might recall someone from your memories. All encounters are inevitable.

■11.11 (Sat)
It’s a day that you can connect someone with another. This will become a very important relationship.

■11.12 (Sun)
Your past experiences will provide hints. If you get lost, search for the answer in your memories.

■11.13 (Mon)
You may start having the feeling for someone in your office or related to your work.

■11.14 (Tue)
It will be hard to reach a consensus today. Wait until tomorrow to make a decision.

■11.15 (Wed)
Be proactive and try what you are interested in. Fully use your body and mind.

■11.16 (Thu)
Give nutritional support to yourself after exercise. Also use some supplements to condition your body.


weekly lucky song>>Ultra Music Power

■11.17 (Fri)
Don’t spare money for improving your skill. It’s an investment for your future.

■11.18 (Sat)
It’s a good day to set a goal for your career. Make a goal that you can achieve within a half year.

■11.19 (Sun)
Take on a new challenge. The harder the challenge, the greater the joy when achieved.

■11.20 (Mon)
Drop by a planetarium after work. It’s a luxurious way to spend time.

■11.21 (Tue)
Have dinner with your friends at a long-forgotten place. Creative dishes will nurture your eyes, too.

■11.22 (Wed)
Give a foot massage before sleep to prevent swelling of the legs.

■11.23 (Thu)
Make time to be alone and restore mental balance by practicing yoga or meditation.


weekly lucky song>>Fantastic Time

■11.24 (Fri)
Ask yourself if there are no lies in your heart of hearts. Ascertain your true feelings.

■11.25 (Sat)
The necessary things will arrive when you are in need. Wait without expectation, as if you almost forgot about it.

■11.26 (Sun)
Visit an art aquarium. The combination of water and plants enhances the healing effect.

■11.27 (Mon)
Review your household accounts and start making an asset management plan for next year.

■11.28 (Tue)
Make a decision on your money plan after listening to the opinions of experts.

■11.29 (Wed)
You don’t have to challenge the field you don’t like. Develop an ability in the field you are good at.

■11.30 (Thu)
Merry laughter is surrounding you. You will have a great time today.

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