今日のあなたの“ラッキーソング”は? オリコン英語星占い(12月1日〜31日)


weekly lucky song>>THE REVOLUTION
EXILE TRIBE(2014/8/20)

■12.1 (Fri)
Get started with a thorough housecleaning. Also consider changing the layout.

■12.2 (Sat)
Do research on winter fashion that would fit formal occasions such as parties.

■12.3 (Sun)
Your heart is overflowing with love today. Control that passion when you approach someone.

■12.4 (Mon)
You are extremely exhausted. Have a good rest today.

■12.5 (Tue)
Review your routine and try to build a new lifestyle for next year.

■12.6 (Wed)
You may get something you are looking for. It will be unexpectedly delivered by someone.

■12.7 (Thu)
Your continued efforts have turned into confidence, and people start to realize it.


weekly lucky song>>Days/GREEN
浜崎あゆみ/AYUMI HAMASAKI(2008/12/17)

■12.8 (Fri)
Stay positive even though you’re not happy about drawing the short straw.

■12.9 (Sat)
It’s the day that you stumble across something memorable in an unfamiliar place.

■12.10 (Sun)
When you have trouble choosing Christmas gifts, refer to the feature article in magazines.

■12.11 (Mon)
An emotionally stirring event might happen. Be honest with yourself.

■12.12 (Tue)
If you are forced to make a decision, find a middle ground between each condition.

■12.13 (Wed)
It’s the day to tap into your potential to protect your honor. You will find yourself determined and serious.

■12.14 (Thu)
Ask your friends with good taste for help to choose Christmas gifts.


weekly lucky song>>HERO

■12.15 (Fri)
You’ll have a wonderful time talking to your friends. Laugh a lot and release stress.

■12.16 (Sat)
Select a restaurant with high customer reviews for a casual gathering with your close friends.

■12.17 (Sun)
Work behind the scenes and you will lead the event to success.

■12.18 (Mon)
Unnoticeable changes start to occur to you. Stay firm in your convictions.

■12.19 (Tue)
You will be surprised by your own ability built up without noticing.

■12.20 (Wed)
You feel a burst of power and it brings out your originality.

■12.21 (Thu)
Take the first step into refining yourself. Changing hairstyle can be one way.


weekly lucky song>>M
浜崎あゆみ/AYUMI HAMASAKI(2000/12/13)

■12.22 (Fri)
Christmas season has arrived. Check how much money is left in your loose wallet.

■12.23 (Sat)
Have you already picked up a reward for yourself? Be gentle and generous to yourself on Christmas.
「自分へのご褒美は選んだ? クリスマスには自分にも優しく」

■12.24 (Sun)
Academic places such as a museum or planetarium are lucky.

■12.25 (Mon)
Today, you can be assertive while working smoothly.

■12.26 (Tue)
Be careful not to miss the train or transfer to the wrong train. Allow yourself extra time.

■12.27 (Wed)
Secure time to be alone. Examine yourself in a relaxing place.

■12.28 (Thu)
Enjoy a close family atmosphere for the year-end holiday. Appreciate spending the time with your family.


weekly lucky song>>HERO

■12.29 (Fri)
It’s a day that you touch a love to give, a love to receive, and many other forms of love.

■12.30 (Sat)
You will get lots of love. An aura of happiness surrounds you today.

■12.31 (Sun)
You may want to be active today, but force yourself to spend a slow day.

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