今日のあなたの“ラッキーソング”は? オリコン英語星占い(3月1日〜31日)


weekly lucky song>>Life goes on
Dragon Ash(2002/1/23)

■3.1 (Thu)
It’s important to reconcile what you want to do and what you have to do.


weekly lucky song>>YES!

■3.2 (Fri)
A chapter of a relationship with someone sees it’s end. From now on, things between you will be a little different.

■3.3 (Sat)
Refine your beauty. The key is fashion and makeup that would please other people.

■3.4 (Sun)
You will spend a romantic moment on a date, fascinated with the beautiful night view.

■3.5 (Mon)
Today, you feel like expressing your honest affection. The goddess of happiness is on your side.

■3.6 (Tue)
The kindness you’ve saved up will return to you and make your day happy.

■3.7 (Wed)
Today, you will get a lot of useful information through a fun interaction via social media.

■3.8 (Thu)
The clue to a happy life may be to open your heart.


weekly lucky song>>TSUNAMI
サザンオールスターズ/SOUTHERN ALL STARS(2000/1/26)

■3.9 (Fri)
Take your time to do things steadily today. No need to rush for the result.

■3.10 (Sat)
It’s an opportunity for a lovely encounter. Don’t retreat to your home but get out to meet people.

■3.11 (Sun)
Don’t be a fool to fate. Stick to your beliefs.

■3.12 (Mon)
Your future starts to shine. Keep going straight.

■3.13 (Tue)
You may be off in your own world. Sometimes, you need such time.

■3.14 (Wed)
It’s the day that your romantic fantasy will become real.

■3.15 (Thu)
You have a slow start today, but from the afternoon, you will get back to your old self.


weekly lucky song>>CHE.R.RY

■3.16 (Fri)
You will have a fulfilling time and feel contentment.

■3.17 (Sat)
It’s the time to renew your style and identity.

■3.18 (Sun)
Go to a hair salon and get a spring-like hairstyle. Keep ahead of the season with your whole body.

■3.19 (Mon)
You will get an opportunity, where you can utilize the knowledge you acquired by yourself.

■3.20 (Tue)
Update your bank book and organize receipts to increase your money fortune.

■3.21 (Wed)
When you are inspired to study something new, take on the challenge.

■3.22 (Thu)
Thanks to your friends’ support, you can get deep knowledge equivalent to the experience of traveling worldwide.


weekly lucky song>>RESCUE

■3.23 (Fri)
Review your household finances. You should not be satisfied with just keeping the accounts but analyze them.

■3.24 (Sat)
Clean up your living space meticulously, which will let fresh air in.

■3.25 (Sun)
A party with your friends will increase your motivation. Have a blissful moment.

■3.26 (Mon)
A single common ground will help you understand people who have different values.

■3.27 (Tue)
You are very close to the point where your efforts bear fruit and bring on results.

■3.28 (Wed)
You will feel anew that solid work generates sound profits.

■3.29 (Thu)
Today, your role is to hustle for everyone.


weekly lucky song>>CHU-LIP
大塚愛/AI OTSUKA(2007/2/21)

■3.30 (Fri)
Don’t be swayed by powerful people and let them upset your pace.

■3.31 (Sat)
If you break out from the past, you will be reborn to be a new you.

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