今日のあなたの“ラッキーソング”は? オリコン英語星占い(3月1日〜31日)


weekly lucky song>>TRAGEDY

■3.1 (Thu)
When you are busy for others, be proud of yourself for helping them.


weekly lucky song>>HAPPY
三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE/V GENERATION J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE(2017/3/8)

■3.2 (Fri)
Today, your will receive an invisible gift, for example in the form of mercy.

■3.3 (Sat)
If you are not feeling well, spend a holiday with just your family.

■3.4 (Sun)
Be fully prepared for a new development so that you can adapt to it.

■3.5 (Mon)
It’s a good day to enhance your specialized knowledge. You may find a good book at a book store.

■3.6 (Tue)
Don’t be disappointed even if your efforts don’t see results right away.

■3.7 (Wed)
A key to happiness is to let your brain rest through meditation before bedtime.

■3.8 (Thu)
You might lose something unknowingly?  Time never runs backward.
「知らぬ間に奪われているものはない? 時間は二度と戻らない」


weekly lucky song>>Pure/You're my sunshine

■3.9 (Fri)
You will get support by a great mind. Don’t become perverse but take their advice.

■3.10 (Sat)
You will be inspired by your friend who changed up their look.

■3.11 (Sun)
Look up at the night sky to have a relaxing moment and get healed for the week.

■3.12 (Mon)
Control your breathing while listening to healing music to clear your mind.

■3.13 (Tue)
A day filled with love. If you come very close to someone in your mind, turn the accident into a chance.

■3.14 (Wed)
Expressing love and gratitude will bring happiness to you.

■3.15 (Thu)
You can build more credibility at your workplace as you accept any kind of task.


weekly lucky song>>WINDING ROAD
絢香×コブクロ/AYAKA × KOBUKURO(2007/2/28)

■3.16 (Fri)
You will find lovely clothes on an internet shopping site. Keep searching night after night.

■3.17 (Sat)
If you want to increase luck with money, now is a good time to try a new method of asset management.

■3.18 (Sun)
Get ready for the spring gardening season. Select vividly colored flowers.

■3.19 (Mon)
A delightful surprise will happen, as if what you’ve been looking for appears out of nowhere.

■3.20 (Tue)
Organize piled-up mail. You may find one with an important message.

■3.21 (Wed)
Decorate your home with flowers. They light up and purify the room.

■3.22 (Thu)
It’s a good time to contemplate your position and balance with others.


weekly lucky song>>SAY YOUR DREAM

■3.23 (Fri)
You stumble across an interesting blog. It will be a fairly good source of information.

■3.24 (Sat)
You will feel consoled by sweet words. Express your appreciation right then and there.

■3.25 (Sun)
Blow away your gloomy feeling with comedy shows or movies.

■3.26 (Mon)
You can forget the sad thing that happened in your private life when you focus on your job.

■3.27 (Tue)
Immature ideas may no longer be effective. Learn the mature way of thinking.

■3.28 (Wed)
The surrounding air changes, which will give you an innocent feeling and expand your view.

■3.29 (Thu)
Love your inside and outside alike as both sides are your true self.


weekly lucky song>>STILL

■3.30 (Fri)
Join a volunteer activity. You will feel a new sensation.

■3.31 (Sat)
Your adventure comes close to the end. Let go of things no longer needed.

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